Yasmeena, a multicultural, multi-genre singer, songwriter,
performer of the 21st century. An up-and-coming star
in California; the Bay Area and Los Angeles.
This is her story.
Yasmeena ‘The New Voice’ is an international award winning singer, songwriter, and performer with a proud African American, Palestinian, Israeli heritage born in the Bay Area. She has dedicated her life to her passion, music! Yasmeena found her artistry through R&B and international fusions. Her inspirations came from the great Michael Jackson, Jazmine Sullivan, and Beyoncé'.
In 2018, Yasmeena was featured in a cover single produced by Jim Gardiner and Paula Telander at Pajama Studios/TouchTone Productions called ‘Yes I’m Ready’ by Barbara Mason; (https://filmfreeway.com/YesImReady). Yasmeena’s feature ‘Yes I’m Ready’ was placed for “consideration of nomination” for the 2019 Grammys. The song ‘Yes I'm Ready’ was awarded “Record of the Year” and “Best Traditional R&B Performance”.
After releasing her Album ‘EGO’ on June 2021 on all music platforms, Yasmeena decided to become an independent artist and since then has focused her efforts on releasing singles under independent projects.
Yasmeena was awarded the Youth Global Peace leader title by Los Angeles/India influencer Dame Munni Irone, Founder of the “Art for Peace Inc. Yasmeena traveled and performed around the world and make a
breakthrough in New Delhi, India. She was featured in a creative thinkers magazine called “Umber Magazine”, an Oakland bay area based magazine.
During a vocal lesson with the amazing Seth Riggs, who's previous students include Michael Jackson, Prince, Nat King Cole, and other icons, he was very impressed with her musical range. He quotes, “Yasmeena is the whole ball of wax. Although she is young, her vocal technique surpasses all of that”. Being mentored by some of the greatest in music was a blessing that helped shape her music career.
in 2021, Yasmeena decided to pursue higher education at Musicians' Institute and relocated to Los Angeles. During that year she discovered her love to song-writing and branched into writing songs for many great artists; R&B, pop, and Afrocentric singers.